Milla Jovovich
[ avril 1994 ]
A very beautiful and personal debut album from Milla, before she got famous under her full name, Milla Jovovich.
Album « Divine comedy », EMI, 1994
For those with an eye for the finer details, we salute you...
Lots of things happened at once on that morning in Davout’s Studio A.
First of all, it was my first encounter with the veteran producer Rupert Hine, who had recently moved to Paris. Even though I did not knew much of his work, apart the very famous album Private Dancer from Tina Turner, I greatly admired him essentially for an album which did not get all the attention it deserved and had taken Rup’ and his favorite engineer Stephen W. Tayler all around the world. This album was titled "One World One Voice", more on that later...
So, Rupert and I introduced ourselves, and I never forgot what he told me: «The artist with whom we are going to work was born in Russia but lives in the United-States since she was six. She has been modelling for the past five years and she appeared in seven Hollywood movies. She is now recording her first album, for which she wrote both music and lyrics...»
He paused for a while, and added: «... and she is seventeen.»
After that we spent a few days recording Milla’s voice for several tracks on the album and started mixing. If I did admire Rupert Hine, I admired Stephen Tayler even more, and even more again after working with him as I witnessed his approach, very energetic and intuition based, in a time when the music production was showing the first symptoms of the hair-splitting contest that the all-digital era would open.
One World, One Voice
I had heard that the «One World One Voice» album was also the support of a documentary about environment that had been broadcasted all over Europe on its release date. All over Europe except in Albania and France. So I asked Stephen if there was a way to get a copy and he came up with an even better idea. One evening, Rupert came to the studio with his own VCR he had brought from his new parisian home, the tape, and I had the incredible privilege to watch the entire program with the men who produced it. That is, I think, one of the best moment I ever had in a recording studio (even though there were many)